Born in Istanbul in 1984. She works with photographs, appreciating their intricate connection to senses, memory and perception. She approaches photography as a language close to the primitive ways of communication prior to words. After-looking and assembling images is a significant part of her process. She is engaged in craft bookbinding and printmaking and her publications include a self-published book ‘recall’ (2012) and collective publications ‘Blacklie’(2014) and ‘Aralik’ (2016).


Her work has been exhibited during Mois de la Photo at Galerie François Paviot, Paris (2014); Elipsis Gallery, Istanbul (2014); Athens Photo Festival (2015 and 2016), Operation Room, Istanbul (2015); Mixer, Istanbul (2015, 2016, 2017); Cork Photo Festival (2015); Versus Art Project (2016); Galeri Nev (2018) and Institutes des Cultres d’Islam, Paris (2019).


She studied engineering and architecture at Boğaziçi University, Politecnico di Milano and Istanbul Technical University. Holding a PhD in architecture, she also works as a lecturer.


She is an affiliate of PLATFORM by GAPO.



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Irem Sozen ©